Thursday, March 15, 2007

Flying pigs

This is a wierd wierd world. That comes right after "life isn't fair" on the list of shocking life lessons that I learned as a child.

For the IF couple, it's even wierder. Everything that you've been taught about conception, pregnancy, and reproduction turns out to be wrong. Your insurance covers vi*gra but not fertility treatments. Your life plans are constantly getting turned on their head, and the people around you are so full of assvice that it becomes an almost knee-jerk response to vehemently reject all stereotypes regarding conception, pregnancy, and birth. After a while, though, you think you've got it all figured out.

• Relaxing will not make you pregnant
• A vacation will not make you pregnant
• You will not get pregnant by making an appointment with the RE, or filing adoption papers
• You won't get pregnant from having sex
• You probably won't get pregnant at all

These rules are not reassuring, but at least they make you feel like you know what's going on. Then Barren Mare finds out at the RE's office during a pre-IVF evaluation that she's actually pregnant. Then Thalia gets pregnant on vacation*. Then I got pregnant after one of the worst retrievals ever. Then, after five years of non-stop IVF, a beautiful set of twins, and the reluctant decision not to try again, Tertia conceives naturally.

I really don't know what to think. Have the forces of evil finally been vanquished? Does happiness reign in the land? Or is this just a wierd wierd world.

Today, I started having morning sickness. Get this... it happened only in the morning. I've really got to start listening to those old wives.

*CORRECTION--Thalia points out that she didn't actually conceive on vacation. She just found out that she was pregnant on vacation. So, we don't need to start preparing for the apocalypse quite yet.

UPDATE--I was sad to hear that Tertia has suffered a loss. You might want to stop by to offer condolences.


Marie-Baguette said...

sorry you are already starting to experience nausea, it is tough. I know I know, all these crazy stories are insane, but Dead Bug's doctor said that some women get their hormones re-balanced after a successful pregnancy, and they can conceive naturally...

Mandy said...

Well then I am overdue for my relaxing vacation with lots of sex, right after I schedule an appointment with my RE to tell him that I'm afraid I'll never fall pregnant! That should do it, eh?

Sarah said...

HOLY SHIT I cannot believe Tertia's news!! WOW! you're right, the one thing that's knowable is that infertility just doesn't make sense a lot of the time, despite our tremendous efforts to understand it.

congratulations on the morning sickness. hope it is very mild and short lived!

Anonymous said...

I guess it can happen, I mean you have the evidence and all, but all I know is, I've only ever got pregnant from sheer hard work and lots of stressing about it, whenever I tried relaxing on holiday, it has'nt work!!!

Go figure :)

Thalia said...

I hate to break the myth, but we actually got pregnant before we went on holiday, although I figured out I might be pregnant while we were away, does that count? ;-)

Re the morning sickness - you've got to eat! Get those crackers lined up by the side of the bed, it's the only way.

Delighted you've got symptoms. Nausea is associated with better first trimester outcomes, so perhaps that can help get you through it.

Tam said...

Yay, so does this mean that our luck is changing? I sure hope so, maybe just maybe! You think Murphy's playing with our heads! Good luck with the morning sickness :)

Lut C. said...

Those rules are still valid rules of thumb. They are true for 95% of IF women.
30% of couples have unexplained infertility. I'm guessing some of those go on to conceive naturally.
Women with PCO can hope that their condition resolves as they become older ...

But for the vast majority, hoping for a natural conception is pointless. Sadly.

Really, it's a case of the exception confirming the rule.

Marie-Baguette said...

Aren't amazed at the sheer number of multiple pregnancies as well? It seems that most of the bloggers who got pregnant after IVF are now expecting twins!